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August 16, 2001

at least i will always have tv

Today's a cool day for reruns of my fave episodes of my fave shows so that's making me happy.

Or made me happy as I pulled together today's TV Picks.

Now if only I were paid to do TV picks. Lord knows I've managed to do 'em almost daily for almost two years (or more by now) while still holding down a day job and having way too many other hobbies. Just imagine how much cooler they'd be if I had more time and resources. Ahhhhhh. I could do a lot more. And my writing would be better if I actually took the time to think (and, you know, rewrite things) when I did the picks (heh).

Ach well, it's only TV.

I'm hanging in there. Thanks to everyone who's emailed or posted comments. I'll get around to replies sometime, honest.

Posted by Laurel Krahn at 12:57 PM

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